For the management of railway systems central control systems are required that have to be integrated with multiple standards and have to be capable to connect with various devices and sensors on the whole station area. DISIT UNIFI is involved in the project on aspects of control modeling for the station and train mangement in the station. The control systems must be easily configurable in order to adapt to different rules of national and international standards on railways control and management, that have different logical interlocking models generalized and configurable, which are valid in the context of Europe and the World. The solution must be equipped with technologically advanced tools for the generation of tables and Conditions for the simulation system to drastically reduce the cost of installation and configuration.
ECM, an industry leader in high-speed rail control system is the project coordinator. Participate as research bodies: DINFO of UNIFI, Department of Industrial Engineering always UNIFI. (POR CReO FESR 2007 – 2013, LINEA D’INTERVENTO 1.5.a - 1.6, BANDO UNICO R&S ANNO 2012), cofounded by Tuscany Region.
Progetto RAISSS: Contributo DISIT lab, sistemi di interlocking vs ontologie
Metodi, notazioni e strumenti per la modellazione di Sistemi di Comando e Controllo: Modelli, Trend Rapporto di analisi comparata di sistemi di interlocking: Problematiche e Confronto Sistemi maggiormente in uso Valutazioni Modello di Sistema di Comando e Controllo generalizzato: Questioni preliminari Modello convenzionale Modello proposto Considerazioni Finali
RAISSS project: Report of a comparative analysis of the Interlocking Systems
Signaling is the keystone of the railway transportation system and besides it, the interlocking system acts a central role granting the key issues such safety of the overall system. In order to develop a new Interlocking System, in addition to study the interlocking principles and to have a reasonable background in computer based architecture we have to learn from the state-of-the-art of the existent railways vendors proposal. To cover the topic, this report brings together all the main aspects which relate to a choice of ones of the most used Interlocking Systems in Europe. This includes the overall architecture, fault resilience policy, software used to implement the main functions and to interact with railway operators. Being SIL4 classified systems, they have some commonly features such as: ? the development process have to follow V&V model; ? formal methods to specification, validation, verification is mandatory. It is also noticed that the interlocking logic the core issue - is generally an abstract model of the relay circuit due the well-established railways engineering knowledge. Indeed the main dialect is the ladder diagram or one to one translation from Boolean equation to code. Conversely some newer systems use the new paradigm of object oriented design which leads to use an object model diagram ( and relative tools to generating code ) such as Harels statecharts or proprietary language like ObjRail. The document is structured in three major section with relative subsections: Railways vendors Interlocking o Signaling solutions SSI o Siemens (Ex-Invensys) Westrace o Invensys Westlock o Alstom Smartlock o Ansaldo STS Acc o AZD Praha Esa 33 o ECM HRM9 ? Other systems o Thales Elektra o Prorail Movares o Bombardier Transportation Ebi-lock
RAISSS project: Methods, notation and tools for modeling Command and Control Systems
Signaling is the keystone of the railway transportation system and besides it, the interlocking system acts a central role granting the key issues such safety of the overall system. In order to develop a new Interlocking System, in addition to study the interlocking principles and to have a reasonable background in computer based architecture we have to learn from the state-of-the-art of the existent railways vendors proposal. To cover the topic, this report brings together all the main aspects which relate to a choice of ones of the most used Interlocking Systems in Europe. This includes the overall architecture, fault resilience policy, software used to implement the main functions and to interact with railway By the time, computer science and technologies, lie at the heart of our economy, our daily lives, and scientific enterprise. The railways domain, being one of the backbone of the world economy, has benefited from this revolution by giving in turn to the academic and to the enterprise research, a wide set of problems to deal with. One of them is the signaling systems which control and preserve the safety of the transportation. The introduction of the EN50128 guidelines , issued by the European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization (CENELEC), address the development of "Software for Railway Control and Protection Systems", and constitute the main reference for railway signaling equipment manufacturers in Europe and in future it will be also embraced by other countries. Formal methods are rated as highly recommended for the specification of systems/components with the higher levels of SIL. Contextually some European railway companies have constituted a consortium to define a standard interlocking system at a European level: the Euro interlocking project. Inside this project a trend has developed towards the use of specific formal method such statecharts for modeling interlocking rules because the above cited formalism have been considered suitable to express the sequences of checks and actions typical of an interlocking system. This report analyze the methods and tools present in the relative literature with the main scope to define the main concerns and past, present and possibly future best practice in developing, verify and validate interlocking software. The document is structured in the following thematic sections that evolve starting by the domain problem landing to the main objective: ? Introduction ? Domain Problem ? System architecture ? System failure resilience policy ? System software ? Method, notation and tools ? Conclusion o Bombardier Transportation Ebi-lock ? Final consideratio
ITA: Per la gestione delle stazioni ferroviarie sono necessari sistemi per la centrale di controllo che possano integrarsi con molteplici standard e che possono connettersi con vari dispositivi di attuazione e sensori di piazzale. DISIT di UNIFI è coinvolto nel progetto su aspetti di controllo. I sistemi di controllo devono poter essere facilmente configurabili in modo da potersi adattare a diverse regole di segnalamento nazionale ed internazionale, che sono le diverse logiche di Interlocking generalizzate e configurabili, valide in contesto Europeo e Mondiale. La soluzione deve essere dotata di strumenti tecnologicamente avanzati per la Generazione delle Tabelle delle Condizioni e per la Simulazione di Impianto per abbattere drasticamente i costi d’installazione e di configurazione.
ECM, leader del settore dei sistemi di controllo ferroviario alta velocità è il coordinatore del progetto. Partecipano come enti di ricerca: DINFO di UNIFI, Dipartimento di Ing. Industriale UNIFI.(POR CReO FESR 2007 – 2013, LINEA D’INTERVENTO 1.5.a - 1.6, BANDO UNICO R&S ANNO 2012), cofounded by Tuscany Region.