Prof. Paolo Nesi (Male) (https://www.disit.org/nesi ). He is full professor since 2001, conducted a period in the IBM research labs in Almaden (California). For two years he has been included in the first 15 researchers at international level in the Software Engineering area, the unique Italian. Its research skills include: artificial intelligence, big data, security and privacy, distributed systems technologies, cloud systems, knowledge engineering, etc. He has been member many international conference committees and editor in international publications and journals. Paolo Nesi published more than 400 articles in international journals and congresses and has been chair and/or programme chair of: IEEE BigData, IEEE SC2, IEEE ICSM, IEEE ICECCS, DMS, AXMEDIS, WEDELMUSIC, CSMR, and program committee member of IEEE ICSE, IEEE ICECCS, IEEE ICSM, IEEE METRICS, DMS, ICSOFT, DATA, SPIE, SEKE, WEDELMUSIC, IIMS, SEW, Virtual Content, IFIP, and others. Prof. Paolo Nesi is full professor of Distributed Systems, and of Big Data Architectures at University of Florence, in degrees and PhD Courses. Prof. Paolo Nesi has been PI of large European research and innovation projects, like: ELLIE, TOURISMO, Snap4City, RESOLUTE, ECLAP, AXMEDIS, MOODS, I-MAESTRO, WEDELMUSIC, MUSICNETWORK and main responsible for the Department in many other European Projects, like AMMIRARE, REPLICATE, MOBIMART, HERITDATA, WEEE, ICCOC, MUPAAC, VISICON, OPTAMS, IMUTUS, and IMEASY. And of many industrial large projects such as Sii-Mobility, Ampere, Soda, Enterprise, Collabora, Feedback, ICARO CLOUD, TRACE-IT, RAISSS, SACVAR. He is an official expert, trainer and consultant of FIWARE. He has been coordinator of the Ad-Hoc Group for ISO MPEG-SMR standard and co-author of the ISO MPEG-SMR. Prof. Paolo Nesi is coordinator and responsible of the DISIT Lab of the University of Florence (https://www.disit.org), and he is in the Advisory or/scientific boards of BBC, IFAB, CB-DAI (Center for big data and AI) of Tuscany, scientific committee member of national course on AI PhD, CINI smart city, and of a number of EC projects and actions.
P. Nesi is a member of IEEE, ACM, AI*IA, CINI, CNIT, ISO, FIWARE, Gaia-X.
DOWNLOAD a more detailed CV: https://www.snap4city.org/download/video/CV_Paolo_Nesi_2024-V7-6_EN.pdf
Paolo Nesi's Publications
For thesis and work at DISIT Lab follow this link.
Dissemination actions as Snap4City.org see https://www.snap4city.org/135
Training as Snap4City.org see https://www.snap4city.org/944
Prof. Eng. Ph.D Paolo Nesi (male) (https://www.disit.org/nesi ). He is the chair of DISIT lab of the University of Florence, full professor since 2001 He obtained the PhD in the University of Padova and he conducted a period in the IBM research labs in Almaden (California). He has been coordinator of the Ad-Hoc Group for ISO MPEG-SMR standard and co-author of the ISO MPEG-SMR defined in the MPEG-4 format, and on MPEG21 on DRM. For two years he has been included in the first 15 researchers at international level in the Software Engineering area, the unique Italian. Its research skills include: big data analytics, IOT, Cloud, distributed systems technologies, licensing, formal methods, artificial intelligence, smart systems, smart city, industry 4.0, data mining. He has been member many international conference committees and editor in international publications and journals. Paolo Nesi published more than 300 articles in international journals and congresses and has been chair and/or program chair of: IEEE SC2, IEEE ICSM, IEEE ICECCS, DMS, AXMEDIS, WEDELMUSIC, CSMR, and program committee member of IEEE SC, IEEE ICSE, IEEE ICECCS, IEEE ICSM, IEEE METRICS, DMS, IEEE IOT, IEEE SmartComp, ICSOFT, DATA, SPIE, SEKE, WEDELMUSIC, IIMS, SEW, Virtual Content, IFIP, and others.
Prof. Paolo Nesi is teaching at the University of Florence: Big data, IOT, security and protection, distributed architectures, cloud, virtualization systems, knowledge engineering, middleware, semantic computing, etc. in bachelor degrees, masters and PhD Courses.
Prof. Paolo Nesi has been project manager of many big sized European research and innovation projects, like: Snap4City, RESOLUTE H2020, ECLAP FP7, Sii-Mobility/Km4City (national), AXMEDIS EC, MOODS EC, I-MAESTRO EC, WEDELMUSIC EC, MUSICNETWORK EC and for the Department in many other European Projects, HERITDATA, MOBIMART, TRAFAIR, REPLICATE, WEEE, ICCOC, MUPAAC, VISICON, OPTAMS, IMUTUS, and IMEASY. And of many industrial large projects such as ICARO CLOUD, TRACE-IT, RAISSS, SACVAR, Coll@bora, Feedback, GreenImpact, Join, and FrontMan. Prof. Paolo Nesi is scientific member of CSAVRI (Centre for the Technology Transfer and University Incubator management), member of the Scientific Committee of the Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy.
Some Flyers as PDF (for links to the projects web pages see on the left):
- see almost all converging on Snap4City Snap4Industry: https://www.snap4city.org
- DISIT lab overview/flyer: DISIT
- recent framewors and tools for semantic computing: DiCCoF, MyStoryPlayer, SocialGraph, AXMEDIS AXCP
- running projects in Smart City area: REPLICATE, RESOLUTE, Km4City, Sii-Mobility, Coll@bora
- Factory 4.0, Industria 4.0: ALTAIR, NOVICROM, PCSYSTEM
- running projects on transporation: TRACE-IT, RAISSS, TESYSRAIL
- running projects on Smart Cloud: ICARO
- main mobile applications: Content Organizer, Mobile Emergency
- spin off web site: Effective Knowledge
- from Effective Knowledge: e-Brain(ITA), e-Brain(ENG), OSIM(ITA), OSIM(ENG).
- running platforms: ECLAP, AXMEDIS, OSIM, APREToscana, SMNet.org, IUF.CSAVRI.ORG, Mobile Medicine, etc.
- see more on Tools Page, and Current Projects page.
For didaptical aspects see on list of courses: distributed systems, collaborative and protection systems, DRM, p2p, semantic and media grid, cloud computing and virtualization, mobile systems, software engineering and project planning/management, Fondamenti di Informatica, computer science.
Reference activities in the areas of:
- Smart Cities: in this area DISIT Lab is working on two new projects cofounded by the italian Ministry on Education, Univeristy and Research, MIUR. In the the two projects DISIT lab is the Scientific and Technical Coordinator with Paolo Nesi, and it is providing competence on knowledge modeling, data intelligence, bigdata, social media, cloud computing, inference tools, mobile tools, etc.
- ELLIE Horizon Europe
- SASUAM Scalability CN MOST https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/999
- OPTIFaaS Fflagship CN MOST https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/1008
- CAI4DSA PE FAIR https://www.snap4city.org/drupal/node/1016
- TOURISMO: recently approved EC project on multisite innovative, AI, data management for tourism
- AMMIRARE: recently approved EC project on data analytics, AI and infrastructure for climate impact on costal erosion and changes
- Snap4City PCP Select4Cities: https://www.snap4city.org
- TARFAIR CEF: https://trafair.eu/
- MOBIMART Interreg: http://interreg-maritime.eu/web/mobimart
- HERITDATA Interreg: https://herit-data.interreg-med.eu/
- WEEE Life: https://www.lifeweee.eu/lifeWeee_en/
- MOSAIC RT: for the optimization of mobility networks
- Feedback project (coordinator): with VAR group, TESSILFORM, SICE, Effectiveknowledge. FEEDBACK aims at developing models and tools for assisting the commercial chains, shops and distributors to create more effective experiences in their shops. DISIT lab is developing the data intelligence engine for user tracking and engagement. Project co-funded by the Tuscany Region. (under signature)
- REPLICATE H2020 project in progress, SCC1 European Commissione (referent for DISIT lab): REnaissance of Places with Innovative Citizenship and TEchnolgy
- RESOLUTE H2020 project DRS7 (coordinator): RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization appLied to Urban Transport Environment
- Km4city (ccordinator): Km4city provides a collection of models and tools for smart city developers and administrators. http://www.km4city.org
- Sii-Mobility (general scientific Coordinator, principal investigator): objectives are the: (i) reduction of social costs of mobility, (ii) simplify the use of mobility systems, (iii) developing working solutions and application, with testing methods, (iv) contribute to standardisation organs, and establishing relationships with other smart cities’ management systems. The Sii-Mobility platform will be capable to provide support for SME and Public Administrations. Sii-Mobility PDF overview
- Coll@bora (general scientific coordinator, principal investigator): aims to solve problems of management and protection of information needed to build effective and protected collaborations in the teams following the disabled.Coll@bora PDF overview
- Social Museum and Smart Tourism project, of functionalities and services that allow to live a social cultural experience when visiting a city. The setting for the project takes into account new technologies that tear down the traditional confines of physical museums, offer tailored and customized services for each individual and implement a new generation of intelligent, efficient and eco-sustainable environments for tourism. DISIT lab contributes on this project on: cloud and general architecture, parallel and distributed systems, social media integration, and IPR modeling and management. Connected to the National Technological Cluster on Technologies for Smart Communities.
- Industrial Automation, Factory 4.0, Industria 4.0, smart factory
- Contract on SODA with ALTAIR
- Italmatic contract
- direct contracts with ALTAIR (referent for DISIT lab) (an integrated maintenance solution and IOT). Project co-Founded by the Tuscany Region.
- direct contracts with PCSYSTEM (renovation of their production process). Project co-Founded by the Tuscany Region. (referent for DISIT lab)
- direct contracts with NOVICROM (optimization of the production process in the manufactury area, optimization of the management of information flow in the factory, factory 4.0 issues). Project co-Founded by the Tuscany Region. (referent for DISIT lab)
- knowledge mining and semantic understanding and indexing via natural language processing in Italian, English, German, France; automated ontology production, semantic queries providing results with relevance and semantic similarity, matchmaking, knowledge mining and discovering. Projects as: OSIM (general scientific Coordinator), SACVAR (scientific coordinator), and also OSIM for blog monitoring for Pharmaco-vigiliance.
- social media, social semantic tools, for social network, social media, semantic computing, cross media recommendations, cross media indexing, data mining, knowledge modelling, in projects as ECLAP (general scientific coordinator), mobile medicine (sci coord), APREtoscana, etc.
- Train Control Systems for high speed trains and metro and thus formal methods, logic programming, formal verification autonomous agents and operators, standards as ETCS, ERTMS, etc. With projects as: TRACE-IT, RAISSS, TESYSRAIL (referent for the department DINFO)
- Smart Cloud computing, cloud automation, optimization and intelligence, monitoring and reasoning about cloud behaviour, verification of configuration consistencies, identification and prediction of critical cases, etc. See projects such as: ICARO (general scientific coordinator)
- parallel and distributed processing of automated semantic computing and production, framework and tools to setup called AXCP tool, developed as a starting point in AXMEDIS (general scientific coordinator), IEEE Multimedia of April 2012, and furtherly developed in many other projects and years of work.
- DiCCoF (general scientific coordinator): Cognitive Computing Framework based on Massive and parallel support on which one can script processes and their relationships/flows that put in execution algorithms and tools exploiting tools and DiCCoF services (crawling, ingesting, in LOD, indexing, mining, adapting, recognition, etc.), with plugins and tools of third parties.
- Semantic and sentient computing tools (DiCCoF PDF Overview) (general scientific coordinator) as:
- CoSKOSAM: Collaborative tool for SKOS and ontology management, automated production of ontologies (see http://openmind.disit.org), Natural Language processing languages: English, Italian, German, Spanish, Francoise. OSIM project
- Semantic Query tool and wizard on the basis of OSIM RDF database queried by SPARQL (see http://openmind.disit.org),
- MyStoryPlayer: semantic model and tool for non linear media annotations, synchronization and relationships (see http://www.eclap.eu/super/msp/ ) also promoted by Europeana. Download the MyStoryPlayer Flyer.
- Linked Open Graph provides algorithms and tools to solve the problem dynamically showing the relationships and resolving connections. The Users can play with graph elements moving and zooming, turning on/off connections, filtering and expanding, exploring and playing to see more information, exploiting connection with LOD, etc.
- Social Graph connecting and relating people, content, actions, etc., navigating among them, exploiting Open data and Linked Open Data, exploiting name resolution via dbPedia, geoname resolution, etc (see http://www.eclap.eu/super/sg/ ) also promoted by Europeana. Download the Social Graph flyer
- Time Line Navigator tool for identifying, mining and disambiguating dates contained in textual documents, navigation in temporal line (see http://www.eclap.eu/177596 )
- Name Extractor, Resolver and Manager to cope with names recognition and identification, synonymous management, creating links with dbpedia, geonames, vip names, user names, etc. also in Social Graph (see http://www.eclap.eu/177605 ),
- XMediaCBIR Content Based Information Retrieval for producing search and recommendation algorithms integrating both textual and content descriptors for similarities and retrieval algorithms
- MatchMaking to support the match from offers and demands (see http://www.apretoscana.org/5221)
- Content Organizer mobile application for semantic organization of content on your iPhone, iPad in connection with enabled social media and portal solutions with augmented reality, gps, QR, retrieval, indexing, ebook, cross media, also available on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone (see http://www.eclap.eu/94220 ) Download the Content Organizer Flyer
- Mobile Emergency: indoor and outdoor navigation tools and emergency management, automated intervention management, see Apple Store. Download the Mobile Emergency Flyer
- IPR Wizard assistive tools for IPR licensing and permission setting according to rights ontologies and relationships
- Multimedia Crawler to search and mining media content from social media portals as VIMEO and aggregators connected to Europeana, a tool for the creative industry, for teachers, and cultural institutions.
- AXCP: scalable media grid, development tool kit for parallel and distributed semantic computing (see http://www.axmedis.org ) AXCP flyer and technical note
- Georesolution and navigation: geo location, geo distribution, etc.
- Social media integration with OpenAuth, embedding, citations, etc.
- Fondazione ICON. A non-profit organization committed to bridge brain studies towards a new computational paradigm: the connectome-inspired computing. This is CON, the International Center of Computational Neurophotonics, founded in July 2011 with the support of LENS (European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy), the University of Florence and the IBM Foundation.
- Joined lab industry-university INEA LAB, "Laboratorio per l'Ingegneria Elettroacustica".
- International and national projects. scientific responsible of international research projects such as: IMAESTRO, MUPAAC, WEDELMUSIC, MUSICNETWORK, ICCOC, MOODS, IMEASY, VISICON, VARIAZIONI, OFCOMP, OPTAMS, AXMEDIS and so forth. For further reference on each and every project. He has played the role of Project Coordinator for MOODS, MUSICNETWORK, WEDELMUSIC and AXMEDIS.
- standardisation group in the MPEG ISO (International Standard Organization), for the MPEG SMR, for MPEG M3W (middleware for software component distribution), MPEG-21 (distribution and DRM models, protection models). Many of DISIT contributions have been taken into account and are integrated part of world-wide standards, like MPEG ISO. DISIT people have been editor in standards such as MPEG-4 SMR and MPEG M3W.
Other activities
He has organized and has taken part into many conferences, playing different roles, among them:
- 2011: General co-Chair of the DMS 2011, Florence, Italy.
- DMS 2010, program co-chair with Kia Ng.
- keynote Speaker for the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, IIMSS2009, Hosted by University of Milan, Mogliano Veneto, 16-17 July 2009. SLIDES
- Workshop chair, Distributed Multimedia Computing, in DMS 2009, The 15th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'09), Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, USA, September 10-12, 2009, 2009 http://www.ksi.edu/seke/dms09.html
- General Chair of AXMEDIS 2008 International Conference, Florence, Nov 2008, Italy, IEEE Computer Society press, and Florence University press proceedings.
- Workshop chair, Distributed Multimedia Computing, in DMS 2008, The 14th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'08), Hyatt Harborside at Logan Int'l Airport, Boston, USA September 4 - September 6, 2008 http://www.ksi.edu/seke/dms08.html
- General Chair of AXMEDIS 2005 International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution, Florence, 30 Nov-2 December 2005, Italy, IEEE Computer Society press, and Florence University press proceedings.
- General Chair of the 5th Open Workshop of the MUSICNETWORK, Wien, Austria, 4-5 July 2005.
- General Chair Workshop on Assessment Model for Symbolic Music Representation, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, with MPEG AHG on SMR, October 2004.
- General Chair, 4th Open Workshop of the MUSICNETWORK, Barcelona, September 2004.
- General co-Chair (with A. Fantechi) of the ICECCS 2004, IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Florence, Italy, 14-16 April, 2004.
- Program Co-Chair of WEDELMUSIC2002, the International Conference on Web Delivering of Music, Darmstadt, December 2002, Germany
- General Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM'2001, held 5-10, November 2001 in Florence, Italy.
- General Chair of the International Conference on Web Delivering of Music, WEDELMUSIC2001, Florence 23-24 November 2001, Italy, IEEE issued proceedings.
- Organizing Member of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance, held in Florence, Italy, November 2001.
- Several other program activities as program chair, track chair, workshop chair, tutorial speacker, keynote speacker, advisor, etc.
- etc.
He has been and he is actually member of many Conference Committees and International Conference Series Committees such as: IEEE ICSE, IEEE METRICS, IEEE ICSM, IEEE ICECCS, CSRM, AXMEDIS, WEDELMUSIC, CIM, PROFES, AQUIS, VIRTUAL Goods, NASA conf, ITA, ICMC, SEKE, RTI, ICSOFT, CHItaly of ACM, AIIA, DMS of SEKE, etc.
He has published more than 200 articles for conferences and journals with international reviews, and books, without forgetting hundreds of reports related to E.C. funded R&D projects, and many many contributions to Standardisation Bodies such as MPEG ISO especially on the MPEG-4 SMR, MPEG-21 IPMP and REL, MPEG MW3 (Multimedia Middelware).
He is author of several papers in reviews such as: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, ACM Computing Survey, IEEE Software, IEEE Computer, IEEE Multimedia, Real-Time Systems: the International Journal of Time Critical Systems, Journal of Information and Software Technology, Signal Processing, Journal on Applied Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Systems and Software, Journal of Real Time Imaging, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, etc.
He has done many workshops at invitation and he has prepared many tutorials and keynotes for industry and above mentioned well known conferences series.
He has been Chair of the Standardisation group in the MPEG ISO (International Standard Organization), for the MPEG SMR, for MPEG M3W (middleware for software component distribution), MPEG-21 (distribution and DRM models, protection models). Many of his contributions have been taken into account and are at present an integrated part of world-wide standards, like MPEG ISO. He is actually editor in standards such as MPEG SMR and MPEG M3W (as research group).
He has promoted and he has been scientific responsible of international research projects such as: ICARO, TRACE-IT, RAISSS, ECLAP, SACVAR, ECLAP, IMAESTRO, MUPAAC, WEDELMUSIC, MUSICNETWORK, ICCOC, MOODS, IMEASY, VISICON, VARIAZIONI, OFCOMP, OPTAMS, AXMEDIS, ECLAP and so forth. For further reference on each and every project. He has played the role of Project Coordinator for MOODS, MUSICNETWORK, WEDELMUSIC,AXMEDIS, and ECLAP.