Paolo Nesi's home page


Prof. Paolo Nesi (Male) ( ). He is full professor since 2001, conducted a period in the IBM research labs in Almaden (California). For two years he has been included in the first 15 researchers at international level in the Software Engineering area, the unique Italian. Its research skills include: artificial intelligence, big data, security and privacy, distributed systems technologies, cloud systems, knowledge engineering, etc. He has been member many international conference committees and editor in international publications and journals. Paolo Nesi published more than 400 articles in international journals and congresses and has been chair and/or programme chair of: IEEE BigData, IEEE SC2, IEEE ICSM, IEEE ICECCS, DMS, AXMEDIS, WEDELMUSIC, CSMR, and program committee member of IEEE ICSE, IEEE ICECCS, IEEE ICSM, IEEE METRICS, DMS, ICSOFT, DATA, SPIE, SEKE, WEDELMUSIC, IIMS, SEW, Virtual Content, IFIP, and others. Prof. Paolo Nesi is full professor of Distributed Systems, and of Big Data Architectures at University of Florence, in degrees and PhD Courses. Prof. Paolo Nesi has been PI of large European research and innovation projects, like: ELLIE, TOURISMO, Snap4City, RESOLUTE, ECLAP, AXMEDIS, MOODS, I-MAESTRO, WEDELMUSIC, MUSICNETWORK and main responsible for the Department in many other European Projects, like AMMIRARE, REPLICATE, MOBIMART, HERITDATA, WEEE, ICCOC, MUPAAC, VISICON, OPTAMS, IMUTUS, and IMEASY. And of many industrial large projects such as Sii-Mobility, Ampere, Soda, Enterprise, Collabora, Feedback, ICARO CLOUD, TRACE-IT, RAISSS, SACVAR. He is an official expert, trainer and consultant of FIWARE. He has been coordinator of the Ad-Hoc Group for ISO MPEG-SMR standard and co-author of the ISO MPEG-SMR. Prof. Paolo Nesi is coordinator and responsible of the DISIT Lab of the University of Florence (, and he is in the Advisory or/scientific boards of BBC, IFAB, CB-DAI (Center for big data and AI) of Tuscany, scientific committee member of national course on AI PhD, CINI smart city, and of a number of EC projects and actions.

P. Nesi is a member of IEEE, ACM,  AI*IA, CINI, CNIT, ISO, FIWARE, Gaia-X.


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Paolo Nesi's Publications

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Prof. Eng. Ph.D Paolo Nesi (male) ( ). He is the chair of DISIT lab of the University of Florence, full professor since 2001 He obtained the PhD in the University of Padova and he conducted a period in the IBM research labs in Almaden (California). He has been coordinator of the Ad-Hoc Group for ISO MPEG-SMR standard and co-author of the ISO MPEG-SMR defined in the MPEG-4 format, and on MPEG21 on DRM. For two years he has been included in the first 15 researchers at international level in the Software Engineering area, the unique Italian. Its research skills include: big data analytics, IOT, Cloud, distributed systems technologies, licensing, formal methods, artificial intelligence, smart systems, smart city, industry 4.0, data mining. He has been member many international conference committees and editor in international publications and journals. Paolo Nesi published more than 300 articles in international journals and congresses and has been chair and/or program chair of: IEEE SC2, IEEE ICSM, IEEE ICECCS, DMS, AXMEDIS, WEDELMUSIC, CSMR, and program committee member of IEEE SC, IEEE ICSE, IEEE ICECCS, IEEE ICSM, IEEE METRICS, DMS, IEEE IOT, IEEE SmartComp, ICSOFT, DATA, SPIE, SEKE, WEDELMUSIC, IIMS, SEW, Virtual Content, IFIP, and others. 

Prof. Paolo Nesi is teaching at the University of Florence: Big data, IOT, security and protection, distributed architectures, cloud, virtualization systems, knowledge engineering, middleware, semantic computing, etc. in bachelor degrees, masters and PhD Courses.

Prof. Paolo Nesi has been project manager of many big sized European research and innovation projects, like: Snap4City, RESOLUTE H2020, ECLAP FP7, Sii-Mobility/Km4City (national), AXMEDIS EC, MOODS EC, I-MAESTRO EC, WEDELMUSIC EC, MUSICNETWORK EC and for the Department in many other European Projects, HERITDATA, MOBIMART, TRAFAIR, REPLICATE, WEEE, ICCOC, MUPAAC, VISICON, OPTAMS, IMUTUS, and IMEASY. And of many industrial large projects such as ICARO CLOUD, TRACE-IT, RAISSS, SACVAR, Coll@bora, Feedback, GreenImpact, Join, and FrontMan. Prof. Paolo Nesi is scientific member of CSAVRI (Centre for the Technology Transfer and University Incubator management), member of the Scientific Committee of the Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy.

Some Flyers as PDF (for links to the projects web pages see on the left):

For didaptical aspects see on list of courses: distributed systems, collaborative and protection systems, DRM, p2p, semantic and media grid, cloud computing and virtualization, mobile systems, software engineering and project planning/management, Fondamenti di Informatica, computer science.

activities in the areas of:


Other activities

  • Advisory board member progetto Smart City STEEP
  • Advisory board member HPC ISTI CNR Pisa (2014)
  • Conference co-chair of DMS 2014, Pittsburg University Center, USA, by KSI, August 27-29.
  • programme Co chair of DMS 2013, Brighton UK, organized by Knowledge Institute.
  • EffectiveKnowledge: Spin-off partecipato dell'Universita' degli Studi di Firenze
  • DISIT lab and Innovation Selected from the Italy of Innovators 4 different Innovations of DISIT Lab have been selected by the Italian Ministery Agency for the diffusion of Innovation Tecnologiesin the competition Italy of Innovators:

    since 2011: Member of the Scientific Council of CSAVRI of the University of Florence (Centro di Servizi di Ateneo per la Valorizzazione della Ricerca e la gestione dell'Incubatore universitario, IUF).
  • since 2011: Referent for the University of Florence of the APRE Toscana.
  • since 2011: Member of the Scientific Committe of the joined lab industry-university INEA LAB, "Laboratorio per l'Ingegneria Elettroacustica".
  • 2011: General co-Chair of the DMS 2011, Florence, Italy, 17th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, located at the Convitto della Calza ( Florence, Italy, August 18 to 20, 2011, Organized by Knowledge Systems Institute, USA, University of Florence, Italy; and the University of Leeds, UK.
  • 2011: program committe member of 34th Software Engineering Workshop (SEW-2011), Limerick, Ireland, 20-21 June 2011.
  • since 2010: editorial board member of International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE), World Scientific, ISSN: 0218-1940.
  • since 2010: Member of the Scientific Committe of the National Journal Leadership and Managment, Tecna Editrice.
  • since 2010: Coordinator of ECLAP project ICT PsP of the European Commission in connection with the European Digital Libray, EUROPEANA.
  • since 2010: Technical coordinator of Palamede project for Florence University Press, FUP.
  • 2010: Invited talk of Paolo Nesi at the C.A.P.I. European Federation: Invitation to the forum discussion, 23rd February 2010, European Parliament, “Piracy and file sharing: challenges and perspectives For the Digital Renaissance”.
  • 2010: Program committe member of ICSOFT 2010 international conference.
  • 2010: DMS 2010: Programme co-chair with Kia Ng of the Sixteenth International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus, Oak Brook, Illinois, USA, October 14 - October 16, 2010, Organized by Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School. The DMS conference is an international conference series, which covers a wide spectrum of paper presentations, technical discussions and demonstrations in the fields of distributed multimedia computing. Started in 1994, the series of conference has been held at Hawaii, Hong Kong, Vancouver, Taipei, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, San Francisco, Miami and Canada.
  • 2009: MIREX 2009 competition about the polyphonic music transcoding algorithms and tools. Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation & Tracking Results, resulted to be the winner for the Tukey-Kramer HSD Multi-Comparison for Task2B (Piano) coauthored with F. Argenti and G. Pantaleo.
  • 2004-2008: AXMEDIS IST FP6 IP project coordinator.
  • since 2008: members of the Italcertifer Certification Committe on railway mater and lanes, for the Uniersity of Florence.
  • since 2007: vice director of Department of Systems and Informatics of the University of Florence.
  • 2003-2007: Cochair (with Giorgio Zoia, EPFL) of the MPEG ISO Group on Music Notation Requirements, and thus Editor of the MPEG ISO Symbolic Music Representation Standard. Then Editor of MPEG-SMR standard.
  • 1994-2005: Member of the Editorial board of the Journal of Real-Time Imaging, Academic Press.
  • 2000-2004: Chair of Steering Committee of WEB Delivering of Music Conference
  • 1999-2003: WEDELMUSIC ICT STREP FP5 project coordinator. The WEDELMUSIC project has been selected as one of the best top 20 projects in the area of “Cross media content and publishing” for the FP 5 of the European Commission. On such grounds it has been granted with the support of the ADOPT-IT project, even after the WEDELMUSIC project reached its end.
  • 2002: ninth in the international contest as best researcher in the area of Software Engineering, the only Italian to receive the title of “9th Best Researcher in Software Engineer in the world (2002)”, see above for further references.
  • 2002: finalist in the area of Information Technology of Pirelli Internet Technology Award 2002, among more than 1200 submitted papers, with his research work for the project WEDELMUSIC IST FP 5.
  • 2001: eleventh in the international contest, the only Italian to receive the title of  “11th Best Researcher in Software Engineer in the world (2001) and the 3rd in Europe”: identified as the 11th in the top 15 list of Systems and Software Engineering for the period 1997-2001. Such result was identified within the annual survey held by the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), released on the Journal of Systems and Software thirteenth issue of year 2002. Their evaluation criteria are based on research publications appeared in the best qualified scientific reviews of Software Engineering: Information and Software Technology, Journal of Systems and Software, Software Practice and Experience, IEEE Software, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodologies, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 
  • 2001: Winner of the Best Paper Award of IEEE ICECCS2001 for: P. Bellini, P. Nesi, ``Communicating TILCO: a model for Real-Time System Specification", Best Paper Award, Proc. of the 7th ``IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems'', ICECCS'01, IEEE Press, Sweden, June 2001.
  • 2001: finalist in the area of Information Technology of Discovery technology award, among several submitted papers, with his research work for the MOODS project, where Prof. P. Nesi was coordinator. The project itself has been proposed for candidacy by the Disney Company in 2001.
  • 2000: Vice Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Complex Computer Systems. Click here for the conference and committee history.
  • 2000: Member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE International Conference on Complex Computer Systems, 2000.
  • since 1996, member of the Editorial board of the CRC Press Book Series on Image Processing.
  • "Software Engineering" area editor for the realization of technical Dictionary: "Computer Science, Engineering and Technology" of CRC Press, 1998-2000.
  • Etc.

He has organized and has taken part into many conferences, playing different roles, among them:

  • 2011: General co-Chair of the DMS 2011, Florence, Italy.
  • DMS 2010, program co-chair with Kia Ng.
  • keynote Speaker for the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, IIMSS2009, Hosted by University of Milan, Mogliano Veneto, 16-17 July 2009. SLIDES
  • Workshop chair, Distributed Multimedia Computing, in DMS 2009, The 15th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'09), Redwood City, San Francisco Bay, USA, September 10-12, 2009, 2009
  • General Chair of AXMEDIS 2008 International Conference, Florence, Nov 2008, Italy, IEEE Computer Society press, and Florence University press proceedings.
  • Workshop chair, Distributed Multimedia Computing, in DMS 2008, The 14th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'08), Hyatt Harborside at Logan Int'l Airport, Boston, USA September 4 - September 6, 2008
  • General Chair of AXMEDIS 2005 International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-Channel Distribution, Florence, 30 Nov-2 December 2005, Italy, IEEE Computer Society press, and Florence University press proceedings.
  • General Chair of the 5th Open Workshop of the MUSICNETWORK, Wien, Austria, 4-5 July 2005.
  • General Chair Workshop on Assessment Model for Symbolic Music Representation, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, with MPEG AHG on SMR, October 2004.
  • General Chair, 4th Open Workshop of the MUSICNETWORK, Barcelona, September 2004.
  • General co-Chair (with A. Fantechi) of the ICECCS 2004, IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Florence, Italy, 14-16 April, 2004. 
  • Program Co-Chair of WEDELMUSIC2002, the International Conference on Web Delivering of Music, Darmstadt, December 2002, Germany
  • General Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM'2001, held 5-10, November 2001 in Florence, Italy.
  • General Chair of the International Conference on Web Delivering of Music, WEDELMUSIC2001, Florence 23-24 November 2001, Italy, IEEE issued proceedings.
  • Organizing Member of the 7th IEEE Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software Maintenance, held in Florence, Italy, November 2001.
  • Several other program activities as program chair, track chair, workshop chair, tutorial speacker, keynote speacker, advisor, etc.
  • etc.

He has been and he is actually member of many Conference Committees and International Conference Series Committees such as: IEEE ICSE, IEEE METRICS, IEEE ICSM, IEEE ICECCS, CSRM, AXMEDIS, WEDELMUSIC, CIM, PROFES, AQUIS, VIRTUAL  Goods, NASA conf, ITA, ICMC, SEKE, RTI, ICSOFT, CHItaly of ACM, AIIA, DMS of SEKE, etc.

He has published more than 200 articles for conferences and journals with international reviews, and books, without forgetting hundreds of reports related to E.C. funded R&D projects, and many many contributions to Standardisation Bodies such as MPEG ISO especially on the MPEG-4 SMR, MPEG-21 IPMP and REL, MPEG MW3 (Multimedia Middelware).

He is author of several papers in reviews such as: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, ACM Computing Survey, IEEE Software, IEEE Computer, IEEE Multimedia, Real-Time Systems: the International Journal of Time Critical Systems, Journal of Information and Software Technology, Signal Processing, Journal on Applied Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Systems and Software, Journal of Real Time Imaging, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, etc. 

He has done many workshops at invitation and he has prepared many tutorials and keynotes for industry and above mentioned well known conferences series.

He has been Chair of the Standardisation group in the MPEG ISO (International Standard Organization), for the MPEG SMR, for MPEG M3W (middleware for software component distribution), MPEG-21 (distribution and DRM models, protection models). Many of his contributions have been taken into account and are at present an integrated part of world-wide standards, like MPEG ISO. He is actually editor in standards such as MPEG SMR and MPEG M3W (as research group).

He has promoted and he has been scientific responsible of international research projects such as: ICARO, TRACE-IT, RAISSS, ECLAP, SACVAR, ECLAP, IMAESTRO, MUPAAC, WEDELMUSIC, MUSICNETWORK, ICCOC, MOODS, IMEASY, VISICON, VARIAZIONI, OFCOMP, OPTAMS, AXMEDIS, ECLAP and so forth. For further reference on each and every project. He has played the role of Project Coordinator for MOODS, MUSICNETWORK, WEDELMUSIC,AXMEDIS, and ECLAP



Paolo Nesi,
DISIT: lab
DINFO: Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Universita' degli Studi di Firenze
Faculty of Engineering, School of Engineering
Via S. Marta, 3; 50139 Firenze, ITALY 

Google Scholar:
cell: +39-335-5668674
ISIT Lab: +39-055-2758511, +39-055-2758516
Fax.: +39-055-2758570