DISIT lab and research group is one of the most active ICT labs of the University of Florence, metropolitan Tuscany area. DISIT successfully developed a relevant number of International and National research, development and innovation projects. DISIT has coordinated a number of large EC projects, in others has covered the role of partner coordinating research, development and innovation workpackages. DISIT has received a relevant number of awards and is directly involved into top level international conferences. DISIT provides an infrastructure for cloud and distributed computing.
DISIT lab develops original solutions in RIA project as well as solutions grounded on available DISIT tools for specified TRL for IA, innovation action projects:
DISIT research areas: big data, semantic models and computing, knowledge mining and representation, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, distributed systems, high performance, content and data licensing and protection, ontology modelling, formal models, metrics definition and assessment, data mining and understanding, digital rights management and conditional access.
DISIT Techniques: data analytic, clustering, indexing and search, link discovering, regression, holistic regression, machine learning, prediction, inference, deduction, recognition, disambiguation.
DISIT solutions for: user behaviour analysis, recommendation, multilingual and cross media indexing, user and collective profiling, indoor/outdoor navigation, media synchronisation, matchmaking, audio transcoding, decision support, sentient and autonomous agents and tools, open data, linked open data.
See DISIT: ontologies and models http://log.disit.org, Publications: http://www.disit.org/5487
Tools: http://www.disit.org/5489
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