A number of accessible RDF stores are populating the linked open data world. The navigation on data reticular relationships is becoming every day more relevant. Several knowledge base present relevant links to common vocabularies while many others are going to be discovered increasing the reasoning capabilities of our knowledge base applications. In this paper, the Linked Open Graph, LOG, is presented. It is a web tool for collaborative browsing and navigation on multiple SPARQL entry points. The paper presented an overview of major problems to be addressed, a comparison with the state of the arts tools, and some details about the LOG graph computation to cope with high complexity of large Linked Open Dada graphs. The LOG.disit.org tool is also presented by means of a set of examples involving multiple RDF stores and putting in evidence the new provided features and advantages using dbPedia, Getty, Europeana, Geonames, etc. The LOG tool is free to be used, and it has been adopted, developed and/or improved in multiple projects: such as ECLAP for social media cultural heritage, Sii-Mobility for smart city, and ICARO for cloud ontology analysis, OSIM for competence/knowledge mining and analysis.
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