Smart cities are providing advanced services gathering data from different sources. Cities collect static data like road graphs, service description as well as dynamic/real time data like weather forecast, traffic sensors, bus positions, city sensors, events, emergency data, etc. RDF stores may be used to integrate all information coming from different sources and allow applications to use the data to provide new advanced services to the citizens and city administrators exploiting inferential capabilities and indexes. These city services are typically based on geographic positions and need to access quickly to the real time data (e.g., next time of bus arrival) as well as to the historical data to perform some data analysis to compute predictions (based on statistics and real time cumulated data). In this paper, the needs and constraints for RDF stores to be used for smart cities services and the currently available RDF stores are evaluated. The assessment model allows understanding if they are suitable as a basis for Smart City modeling and application.
The DISIT Smart City RDF Store benchmark proposed has been tuned for generic smart city services in order to compare results that can be obtained by using different RDF Stores. In the benchmark, particular emphasis is devoted to geo and full text searches that are partially considered in other well-known RDF store benchmarks as LUBM and BSBM. The paper reports the validation of the Smart City RDF Benchmark on the basis of Florence Smart City and Tuscany Region (Italy), comparing the results of adopting Virtuoso and GraphDB. Others graph database (RDF Stores) have been also initially taken into account but later not addressed since them do not cover the needed functionalities.
The benchmark includes (in progress):
- DATA: a zip file containing the data triples; The ZIP file ( containing the triples refer to Km4City Model and tools for Smart City. The data triples CANNOT be used in toto or partially for creating online services. They can be ONLY used for assessing and bechmarking in private servers and storages other RDF stores and Graph Databases. Thus, no service can be created by exploiting in total or partially those data since you are not authorized and licensed. The data cannot be processed for reusing and redistributing them for commercial purpose or for any other activitiy different than benchmarking RDF and Graph databases.
- QUERY: a document containing a list of SPARQL queries identified as reported in the report;
- DOC: a report describing the results.
If you obtain data results from RDF store and Graph database and you would like to make them accessible and visible on this page, please send us an email with a report at
Any other information of RDF benchmarking would be appreciated.