ICT and social innovations are playing a decisive role in the development of technologically advanced urban areas. Smart City frameworks are devoted to address new challenges to improve efficiency and sustainability of services for citizens, providing additional features and allowing the city environment to adaptively configure according to collected data and information. To this aim, Decision Support Systems have recently been acquiring increasing importance in such a context. This paper presents a Smart Decision Support System for Smart City, based on the evolution of the Analytical Hierarchical Process model, which has been integrated with the Italian Flag 3-values logic representation. Other original contributes of the proposed work are (i) the capability integrating social and data processes by accessing and querying external repositories, in order to gather Smart City related data to be used to assist decision makers in the decisional process, through the use of properly defined functions and thresholds; (ii) the system is designed as a collaborative framework, allowing multiple users to share, clone and modify models and different instances of a same model. The proposed system has been validated in real use cases by exploiting decision processes and smart city data services of Km4City solution on Florence metropolitan area.
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