Panel: Future of VL Research and Sentient Systems.

Submitted by admin on Sat, 09/05/2015 - 23:37
Panel Description: The success of visual languages especially iconic languages is evident to everyone because most smart phones these days use iconic languages to communicate with the end user. Ironically the success of visual languages in practice has led to doubt and uncertainty about the future of visual languages research. The advances of sentient systems can motivate more research on visual languages. Therefore panelists are invited to explore the future of VL research and sentient systems. Panelists can discuss the theoretical implications as well as practical implementations of next generation visual languages, investigate the relations between visual languages and visualization, the impact of big data research and other related topics. Description of example research projects and the introduction of new research paradigms are especially welcome. The panelists will present their views. Comments from the audience are also welcome.
Axmedis ID
Panel: Future of VL Research and Sentient Systems.
Document type