Smart city: in Florence future is already here with REPLICATE .....
Impressive view of what the city of Florence, Italy is doing for assistant services. In particular setting up an ontology and system to establish and maintain data and ontolology. Integrating sensors as well. Might be a good framework for similar work in the enterprise.
The Eponymous Pickle
The system allows managing a large volume of static and dynamic data coming from a variety of sources. This data is mapped to a smart-city ontology, called KM4City (Knowledge Model for City), and stored into an RDF store where it is available for applications via SPARQL queries, thus providing new services to the users via specific applications for public administration and/or enterprises.
ALMANAC: Internet of Things for Smart Cities
Km4City has been finalist at the SMAU Italy center 2015.
Km4City at SmartCity360 Bratislava, October 2015, invited talk at the smart city forward panel (Paolo Nesi)
DeMobile 2015, invited talk on panel on future of mobile programming (Pierfrancesco Bellini)
Km4City has been finalist at the Semanti Web Challenge, Bethelem, USA, http://challenge.semanticweb.org/2015/finalists.html 2015
Monitoring Public Attention on Environment Issues with Twitter Vigilance (SLIDE) Presented at icities 2015, CINI annual workshop on smart city and communities.
Monitoring Public Attention on Environment Issues with Twitter Vigilance (ext abstract) Presented at icities 2015, CINI annual workshop on smart city and communities.
Km4City: Smart City Model and Tools for City Knowledge Exploitation (Ext Summary) Presented at icities 2015, CINI annual workshop on smart city and communities.
Km4City: Smart City Model and Tools for City Knowledge Exploitation (SLIDE) Presented at icities 2015, CINI annual workshop on smart city and communities.
Km4City has been selected to participate at the Smart City Open Innovation Marketplace on November 17th. The Marketplace will be held under the umbrella of the Smart City Expo World Congress on November 17th to 19th
Focuss will be on smart city, big data, data mining, data warehouse. Solutions in place in Firenze and whole Tuscany and largely appreciated. Results of large national and international projects as Sii-Mobility, Km4City (smart city model and tools), RESOLUTE H2020 (resilience), etc. The talk will be focussed on reporting lessons learnt, principles and open tools developed. Examples are on slideshare and on DISIT lab portal, http://www.disit.org
Km4City at European Data Forum, EDF 2015, 16-17 November Luxembourg.
EDF2015: Km4City: Smart City ontology and tools for city knowledge exploitation, POSTER
Smart city: in Florence future is already here with REPLICATE .....
Impressive view of what the city of Florence, Italy is doing for assistant services. In particular setting up an ontology and system to establish and maintain data and ontolology. Integrating sensors as well. Might be a good framework for similar work in the enterprise.
The Eponymous Pickle
The system allows managing a large volume of static and dynamic data coming from a variety of sources. This data is mapped to a smart-city ontology, called KM4City (Knowledge Model for City), and stored into an RDF store where it is available for applications via SPARQL queries, thus providing new services to the users via specific applications for public administration and/or enterprises.
ALMANAC: Internet of Things for Smart Cities
Km4City has been finalist at the SMAU Italy center 2015.
Km4City at SmartCity360 Bratislava, October 2015, invited talk at the smart city forward panel (Paolo Nesi)
DeMobile 2015, invited talk on panel on future of mobile programming (Pierfrancesco Bellini)
Km4City has been finalist at the Semanti Web Challenge, Bethelem, USA, http://challenge.semanticweb.org/2015/finalists.html 2015

DISIT Twitter Vigilance is an intelligent multi user tool for creating personal dashboards and study events and trends on Twitter that becomes a mining tool to "Twitter channels" contents. Each channel can be tuned to monitor one or more Search Queries on Twitter with a sophisticated and expressive syntax.

DISIT Twitter Vigilance is an intelligent multi user tool for creating personal dashboards and study events and trends on Twitter that becomes a mining tool to "Twitter channels" contents. Each channel can be tuned to monitor one or more Search Queries on Twitter with a sophisticated and expressive syntax.

The proposed presentation is going to expose the integrated solutions around Km4City model which has been set up by the DISIT lab in Florence (http://www.disit.org/6056 ) and adopted in some EC and national smart city projects (Sii-Mobility Smart City MIUR project, RESOLUTE H2020, Km4City service and tools in place in the Florence Area, with many industrial partners as Thales, Swarco, ECM, etc.). The solution is based on Km4City model that is capable to model a large set of the above data kind and provides support for inference and reasoning, on time and space, on public and private data, on static and real time data. In more details, the solution developed is open and accessible for city providing models and tools for its adoption and exploitation, also enabling the full customization.

The proposed presentation is going to expose the integrated solutions around Km4City model which has been set up by the DISIT lab in Florence (http://www.disit.org/6056 ) and adopted in some EC and national smart city projects (Sii-Mobility Smart City MIUR project, RESOLUTE H2020, Km4City service and tools in place in the Florence Area, with many industrial partners as Thales, Swarco, ECM, etc.). The solution is based on Km4City model that is capable to model a large set of the above data kind and provides support for inference and reasoning, on time and space, on public and private data, on static and real time data. In more details, the solution developed is open and accessible for city providing models and tools for its adoption and exploitation, also enabling the full customization.
Km4City has been selected to participate at the Smart City Open Innovation Marketplace on November 17th. The Marketplace will be held under the umbrella of the Smart City Expo World Congress on November 17th to 19th
Focuss will be on smart city, big data, data mining, data warehouse. Solutions in place in Firenze and whole Tuscany and largely appreciated. Results of large national and international projects as Sii-Mobility, Km4City (smart city model and tools), RESOLUTE H2020 (resilience), etc. The talk will be focussed on reporting lessons learnt, principles and open tools developed. Examples are on slideshare and on DISIT lab portal, http://www.disit.org
Km4City at European Data Forum, EDF 2015, 16-17 November Luxembourg.

The presentation will expose experience and results regarding the integrated solutions around Km4City model, tools and roadmap. According to READY4SmartCities EC project, Km4City is the most complete open ontology for smart cities, covering domains: weather, cultural heritage, sensors, structures, parking, services, transportation, events, locations, etc. The solution is supported by a set of tools for massive and parallel data harvesting (from static to real time data), quality improvement, reconciliation, reasoning, making decision, API, to pose queries services with visual tools. Km4City models and tools are adopted in Sii-Mobility SmartCity MIUR project, RESOLUTE H2020; and it is in place in the Florence and Tuscany Area.
EDF2015: Km4City: Smart City ontology and tools for city knowledge exploitation, Paper
Event on Smart City and Big Data 2015, 13 NOvember, see this link for the press cutting

Event on Smart City and Big Data 2015, 13 NOvember, see this link for the press cutting