Resilience and sustained adaptability in urban transport systems (UTS)
Today, enhancing resilience in Urban Transport Systems is considered imperative for two main reasons: a) such systems provide critical support to every socio-economic activity and are currently themselves one of the most important economic sectors in Europe; b) the paths that convey people, goods and information, are the same through which risks are propagated.
Transport systems have thus developed a prominent safety and business critical nature, in view of which current management practices have shown evidence of important limitations. UTS is a sociotechnical system whose resilience can be defined as the intrinsic ability to adjust its functioning prior to, during or following changes and disturbances, so that it can sustain required operations under both expected and unexpected conditions (Hollnagel, 2011). Thus, UTS resilience is considered an emergent property and it refers to managing high variability and uncertainty in order to pursue successful performance of the system continuously. Answering to questions as:
What type and sources of variability need to be managed?
What type and level of resources are needed to cope with such variability?
How to plan and deploy such resources?
How to ensure that local adaptive mechanisms are synchronised at the system lev
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